Terms of Use


This statement covers all of Heavy’s sites (”Heavy Sites”) and any associated content including email and RSS feeds. Please read the following statements carefully since access to any of the Heavy Sites indicates you’ve agreed that the terms are in effect.

Image Terms of Use

Our editors typically include images as part of their blog posts and the images that they are authorized to use comprise the following:

– Images that are licensed from vendors
– Images that are supplied to our editors or released into the public domain by public relations and marketing companies for press or other purposes
– Images that are supplied by readers, with the implied representation that the person submitting the image owns the copyright in the image and the right to give it to us for use on our site
– Images that are published on Flickr, Photobucket or other public photos sites with licenses granted under Creative Commons, with attribution in accordance with the CC license granted in each case
– Images that are commissioned by Heavy Sites

Images that we believe to be covered by the Fair Use Doctrine, such as:

– Thumbnail images of 150×150 pixels or less, cropped or reduced in size from the original source
– Images that are used to illustrate a newsworthy story, where the image itself tells a story
– Images used in a transformative manner, such as parody
– Images that are so widely distributed that they have become part of the news

If Heavy Sites receives any notice that an image is posted inappropriately, such as not keeping with the terms listed above, we reserve the right to remove that image.

If you think we have published an image or text that violates your copyright, we will address your concerns; however, if the image falls into one of the listed categories above and we believe that our use of the image is legitimate, we will not remove it from the site.

Comments Terms of Use

To make our comments more interesting and more informative, the list below is a guideline that all users should use to post/view any comments:

– If a comment is made using your identity it will be deemed to have been posted by you
– Abusive, obscene, threatening, harassing, defamatory, libelous, offensive or sexually explicit material are prohibited to post on our site
– Do not intentionally make false or misleading statements
– Do not post any material that will violate copyright
– Do not post any confidential or sensitive information that may be in breach with the law
– Keep all comments relevant and “on topic” to the particular site posting open for comments

External Link Disclaimer

Heavy Sites contain links to external and third party websites. Heavy Sites does not guarantee, approve or endorse the information or products available at these sites, nor does a link indicate any association with or endorsement by the linked site to the Heavy Sites in question.

Heavy Sites does not operate or control and does not have any responsibility for any information, products and/or services found on external websites. Nor do such links represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any information, products and/or services provided on or through any external sites, including, without limitation, warranties of any kind, either express or implied, warranties of title or non-infringement of implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

People who visit Heavy Sites are assumed to take their own responsibility and risk in using any external sites. Visitors should report any concerns or dissatisfaction regarding any external link to its site administrator or webmaster.

Notification of Changes

Whenever Heavy Sites changes its Terms of Use, changes will be posted to ensure users are aware of the new changes.

Applicable Laws

The Heavy Sites (excluding linked sites) are controlled by Heavy Industries Theming Corp., from its office in Calgary, Canada. By accessing the Heavy Sites, you and Heavy Industries Theming Corp. agree that the statutes and laws of Canada, without regard to the conflicts of laws principles thereof, will apply to all matters relating to the use of the Heavy Sites. Those who choose to access the Heavy Sites from other locations do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws if and to the extent local laws are applicable.

Contact Information

If you have any questions, concerns or notices of violations to these terms and conditions, please contact the editor of Heavy Sites by sending an email to info@heavyexperience.com.